Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-03-2020 - 27-06-2020

COVID 19 pandemic broke out some time in the second half of March 20. This kick started our Club's Relief Effort in a big way. In response to our initial appeal to our members for contribution we received an overwhelming positive response and we could collect a total sum of Rs.5,71,00 and an additional amount of Rs.97,500/-. separately for our GG Project village of Ramwadi. After considerable effort, we managed to provide initial assistance for Covid 19 totalling. to Rs.14.8 Lakhs. This amount was spent on procurement of 5 Ventilators, number of PPEs, Face Masks, Face Shields, Sanitizers & even Sanitar pads. These were donated to AICTS (old CTC), Kamala Nehru Hospital, Cantonment Hospital and even in some slum areas. Demand for assistance is still pouring in as late as 24 Jun 20. In addition, we also provided material aid like groceries etc to Ramwadi village (our GG Project Village) to thvisits to the various hospitals to coordinate assistance. We are proud to say that probably we were the first one to present Ventilators tue of Rs.1.02 lakhs. Our Rotarians and Anns worked throughout this period and paid a number of to hospitals when these were not easily available and were extremely costly. Same with the PPEs which were also very costly initially Our assistance in the initial stages when no or minimum assistance was forthcoming from other sources is noteworthy. This has made our Club to be ever ready for Disasters which seems to be striking us periodically and we have streamlined our response. The lockdown posed us a lot of problem and we overcame this by forming a sub committee of the BOD to take stock of the situation and timely action.

Project Details

Start Date 24-03-2020
End Date 27-06-2020
Project Cost 2250000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 372
No of direct Beneficiaries 5075
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others