Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-09-2019 - 07-03-2020

Padali School situated in the remote locations of Khed Taluka. The schools have students from Farmers community, Backward Group Community, Tribals Community & Thakar Samaj Community. School is run by Namadevrao Mohol Vidya & Krida Pratishthan Pune. Trust is taking utmost care to ensure that proper education is imparted to the students. The trust approached RC Nigdi for constuction of gender based toilet blocks at both the schools. After Survey & need assesment the club found that the facilty of Toilets for Girls was pathetic & unhigenic. This was having an impact on the health of the students as well as an increase in the drop out percentage of the students. Proper survey of the the place was conducted & legal formalities were scrutinised & it was decided to construct the toilet block. Proper designs were made for the toilet blocks & all the facility for Handwash, washroom were also incuded in the same to facilitate the beneficiaries in case of a stay is needed in the school for some unavoidable reasons.

Project Details

Start Date 22-09-2019
End Date 07-03-2020
Project Cost 739000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 250
No of direct Beneficiaries 262
Partner Clubs none
Non Rotary Partners Enpro
Project Category Club Thrust Area