Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-06-2020 - 28-06-2020

After reaching out to 500+ families immediately after the lockdown started with help in the form of a month's grocery, we at Rotary Club of Bibwewadi observed that the help from NGOs started to slow down and many smaller villages in interior parts were left without any help reaching them. Fortunately, the good folks at SG Analytics had a similar thought and we're looking to partner with organisations to mobilise resources and reach such villages. On Sunday 28th June, first phase of this initiative called "एक निश्चय - A Resolve" was executed and we distributed kits of essential grocery items to 1,000 families in Indapur and nearby smaller villages. Maximum precautions were taken to ensure safety of volunteers and villagers by following social distancing norms.

Project Details

Start Date 25-06-2020
End Date 28-06-2020
Project Cost 700000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 65
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Poona Airport, Rotary Club of Indapur and Rotary Club of Varkute Pomegranate Village
Non Rotary Partners SG Analytics
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment