Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-07-2020 - 30-06-2021

Now a days Screening time of everyone has been increased exponentially and it is therefore essential to check healthiness of the eyes regularly. This is the ongoing project. On every Saturday depending on the availability, we can have those camps of maximum 60 people, by maintaining proper distancing and hygienic conditions. The facility and technology is made available Dr. Nitin Kolte from Poona Eye care at Karve Road, Pune. Different Rotary club members can get this checking done.

Project Details

Start Date 25-07-2020
End Date 30-06-2021
Project Cost 7500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 8
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Poona Eye Care Hospital
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment