Rotary 3131 - Project Details

31-03-2020 - 31-03-2020

Selfless giving is the art of living.” We all know that the corona virus is spreading everywhere. As announced by PM Narendra Modi, all will remain closed till April 14. Because of this, many people's jobs are closed. Some people don't even get a one-time meal, so some of us come together as a helping hand to buy Necessary things like wheat, rice, sugar, semolina, oil, spices. Then make 40 kits and that kits distributed to 40 needy families. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi Sponsor by Rtn. ingale sir, Rtn. Jambhale sir, Rtn. Thombare sir, Rtn. Udank sir & sayali ma'am, Rtn. Mahesh sir & pradnya ma'am , Prakash shaha, Sunita naik, Rtr. Rushikesh wagajkar (handglows)

Project Details

Start Date 31-03-2020
End Date 31-03-2020
Project Cost 18500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 98
No of direct Beneficiaries 49
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club of Daund College
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, District Thrust Area, Others