Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-08-2014 - 13-08-2014

FELICITATION OF MERITORIOUS STUDENT i) Name of the Projects and avenue of work: Felicitation of meritorious student – 20th August 2014 (Venue –Priya School Mohopada) ii) Need Assessment: To encourage & to support to student who lives in our area. The student who stud first in STD X & XII from CBSC, Maharashtra, ICS boards. iii) Beneficiaries: 30 Students. In which 2 are physically challenged. iv) Number of Rotarians participated and involved: 28 Rotarians 7 annes,3 annets v) Other participant institutions (NGOs, Govt and /or Non Govt Agencies, Individuals etc): Our two Rotarians firm VBM Construction & Prakash Engineering works. vi) Cost of the Projects and resources engaged: /- Rs.22500.00 vii) Sustainability: By doing this project we gave message to community & to student if you perform we will appreciate. This is our club project with 22 years. viii) Enhancement of Public Image and publicity in Community: By contacting in all school & sending letters, Emails to students.

Project Details

Start Date 13-08-2014
End Date 13-08-2014
Project Cost 22500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs 0
Non Rotary Partners VBM Construction Actually this firm is belonging to Rtn. Vijay Malandkar. Prakash Engineering.
Project Category Club Thrust Area, District Thrust Area, Others