Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-12-2019 - 17-12-2019

The project under the focus area on ‘Maternal and child health’ was undertaken in Nere Primary Health Centre, about 55 Kms away from Pune city. We donated a Baby Warmer worth of Rs 35000/- to this PHC. This PHC was asking for warmer for last several years to the government but could not get one. The medical officer and the sister were really happy to get this and said we really have no words to express how happy we are. Low birth weight is still around 30% in rural areas and donating Warmers to PHCs will significantly increase the survival of the babies. In addition we also offered training on ‘Infant feeding and weaning practices’ to 40 ASHA workers who are in direct contact with pregnant mothers in rural areas. Each ASHA worker represents one village and about 1000 population. Additionally, they were given the recipes of the supplementary foods to be given to infants beyond 6 months.

Project Details

Start Date 17-12-2019
End Date 17-12-2019
Project Cost 70000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 48
No of direct Beneficiaries 600
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Maternal and child health