Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-06-2020 - 10-06-2020

COVID-19 Relief Project – Food Grains (that would last for one month) Donation to Girija Welfare Association (Old Age Home and Orphanage) Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite has always tried to identify the needy sections of the society. While we have been serving orphanage for about 2 months, we came across Girija Welfare Association who houses old age people and Orphans. We believe that needs and hardships of the elderly and organisation who is looking after them cannot be overlooked in these circumstances. That being said, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite donated food grains which would last for one month to Girija Welfare Association on 10th June 2020. 80 People consisting or Elderly and Orphans benefitted from this project. This food grains were sponsored by our club member – Rtn. Adv. Rajendra Deshmukh. We, at, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite are trying to identify and serve these needy sections of our society in these tough times.

Project Details

Start Date 10-06-2020
End Date 10-06-2020
Project Cost 60000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 80
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Others