Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-06-2020 - 19-06-2020

“Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is an essential. Your self-care is a necessity.” ROTARY CLUB OF PANVEL ELITE along with ROTARACT CLUB OF PANVEL ELITE conducted a session on MENTAL HEALTH, where a well known doctor, DR. SHILPA PARHAR who has been practising psychiatry from past 12 years interacted with rotaractors and rotarians on importance of being emotionally and mentally healthy and how one can encompass it. The session covered main aspects about depression, anxiety and also steps you can take to improve it by doing small things like exercising, eating a balanced and healthy meals, opening up to other people in your life,taking a break when you need to which can help boosting your emotional and mental well-being. She also spoke on how it is imperative for one to keep in check of his/her mental health to lead a overall happy life. This session proved to be extremely beneficial for all of us especially during this time of crisis because, “Your mind is an important part of who you are.”

Project Details

Start Date 19-06-2020
End Date 19-06-2020
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
No of direct Beneficiaries 34
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club Of Panvel Elite
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, Others