Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-09-2020 - 24-09-2020

Distributed Happy family kits to six families from Pandavnagar slums. Their houses were gutted in a massive fir and they are currently living in the Municipal school premises. Each kit consists of ten items: a travel bag, tarpaulin sheet for roofing, garbage bins, First Aid kit, sanatory napkins, two napkins, six soaps, two facemasks, solar lamp and biomass cook stove. The families were identified with the help of Swroopwardhini volunteers.

Project Details

Start Date 24-09-2020
End Date 24-09-2020
Project Cost 9000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 15
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs District 3131
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area