Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-09-2020 - 30-09-2020

Donation of Mobile Phones and Tablets to the needy students from schools in Pune and nearby areas catering to especially abled students and schools/NGO’s working for low economical group families / Orphanage etc has been taken up by our club in view of the challenging situation in Covid -19 to provide them the equal opportunities to continue their online education. Our Club made special efforts to get the appropriate new mobile phones at a very competitive price with the assistance of Samsung keeping in mind optimum need of these students from 1 to 10 std. These phones have all the facilities of accessibility features as well. Instead of choosing the Pre-used phones which don’t guarantee the required performance, we decided to donate brand new devices which will offer better support and develop additional motivation for the students to take interest in their online education. First 15 Samsung mobiles were handed over by Literacy Co-Chairperson Rtn. Oni Kakajiwala to Ms Sakina Bedi Project Directors of Jagriti school for Blind Girls Alandi, where our club sponsored the interact club in 2004. Similarly, 15 Samsung mobiles were handed over to the Hadapsar Deaf and Mute students school where we also have an interact club. Tablets are preloaded with the latest SSC Board syllabus both in Marathi and English for 1-10th std, thus proving very useful where there is no mobile connectivity and the families are not in a position to even pay for the WiFi etc. The funds have been generously provided by R M Dhariwal Foundation Chairman Mr Prakash Dhariwal. Many schools have approached our club for the support and efforts with the Kind help and Support of our members and friends are being made to generate the required funds.

Project Details

Start Date 01-09-2020
End Date 30-09-2020
Project Cost 1000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 135
No of direct Beneficiaries 135
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy