Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-09-2020 - 04-10-2020

We are coming up with Literacy Week Celebration between 30th September and 4th October 2020 in synergy with RC kalyaninagar and 12 othar Rotary Clubs. *We aim to serve by offering a holistic program to educate selective audience. * *The Literacy Week will have a series of keynote speakers and workshops as follows - * - Women social entrepreneurship - New Tax Regime - Power of savings & value of money with Subbu stories. - 60 Minutes to Linked-In Success - Fitness & Preventive Medicine - Consumer Rights - Cyber Suraksha We sincerely hope that more and more people will come ahead & take advantage of our endeavor. Literate India, a step forward to a Better India!

Project Details

Start Date 30-09-2020
End Date 04-10-2020
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Literacy