Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-10-2020 - 02-10-2020

Our club RC Panvel Mahanagar was senergy partner for the Disha Literacy Week from 30th September to 4th October 2020 hosted by RC Pune Kalyaninagar. On 2nd October morning session was conducted for kids and their parents. Mr. Chentil Iyer has delivered very entertaining and enlightening speech on Power of saving and value of money with Subbus stories. He said that price is what you pay and value is that what you get. Nothing is free.He also said that note of Re. one and coins are the real currency of India and rest of the notes are just promisory notes as there is promise printed on these notes to pay the amount printed on the respective notes.The speech was mesmerising and not only kids enjoied it but also parents and elders as well. An evening session was conducted by Sindhuri Rao on Linkedin success. She explained how to creat network and market the products to increase connection and make trading . The session was very professional and informative.

Project Details

Start Date 02-10-2020
End Date 02-10-2020
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs 23 clubs were synergy partners
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category