Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-12-2014 - 13-12-2014

Rotary Club of Kharghar Midtown in Association with Navi Mumbai Traffic Police Conducted a ‘Road Show’ on ‘Road Safety’ on 13th December 2014 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Hiranandani Signal, sector 4, Kharghar . They were supported by Ramsheth Thakur Senior College and Sanjivani International School. All the members of the Rotary Club, students and teachers of both the institutes and 5 to 6 Police officials headed by Inspector Salgaonkar were there at both the signals with placards and banners depicting traffic rules and slogans for road safety. They came up with a very innovative idea of giving away chocolates and flowers to people when there was signal to stop i.e. red signal. They gave chocolates to people who were wearing seat belts and helmets and appreciated them. People those who were without it were given rose buttons and were told to ‘get well soon’ and start thinking about their families who are waiting for them at home. People really appreciated the drive and some of them, then and there followed the norms. Navi Mumbai Traffic Police was full of praises for the drive and the way it was conducted, they also said ‘we need to have many more such Road Shows in the days to come.’

Project Details

Start Date 13-12-2014
End Date 13-12-2014
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Peace and conflict prevention/resolution