Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-09-2020 - 13-09-2020

The Secrets of Subconscious Mind with an Internationally renowned 🎙️Speaker Yuvraj Kapadia (B.Sc., D.B.M., C. Ht. PGDRT) We know how important Mental Health is in these testing times. Understanding the Nitty gritty's of mind will enhance our ability to respond. Understanding ourselves better will help us face all the situations in life in a graceful manner. Attend this program in large numbers. Motivate more and more people to join as it is an open to all program. In synergy with RC of Bibwewadi, RC of Panvel, RC of Navi Mumbai & IWC of Panvel Industrial Town

Project Details

Start Date 13-09-2020
End Date 13-09-2020
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 150
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Innerwheel Club of Panvel Industrial Town Rotaract Club of Panvel Industrial Town
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, Peace and conflict prevention/resolution