Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-07-2020 - 30-07-2020

Sr. No. Topic Time Responsibility Part 1- Introduction & Meeting 10 am to 10.20 am 1 Introduction & Registration 01 Minutes Mr. Santosh Vanjari –DISHA 2 Information about RCPN Cow Projects 08 Minutes Rtn. Kumar Shinagre –RCPN 3 Information about DISHA 03 Minutes Brig. R. Jatar 4. Cow Project 8- Rules & Regulations and Action Plan 08 Minutes Shilpa Kashelkar & Mr. Santosh Vanjari Part 2- Training 10.20 am to 12.45pm 5 CP8 -Basic Training Topics 1. Selection of Cow - Breed & types 2. Fodder and Food Management 3. Health Management - Diseases and Immunization 4. Reproduction and Calf Management 5. Cow Shed Management 6. Increase in Milk Production Questions/Answers regarding Training 2 Hours 25 Minutes DeLaval Team Dr. Ramraje Patil Mr. Mukund Rane Part -3 –Conclusion Remarks 12.45pm to 01pm 6 Further Action Plan with and for beneficiaries 10 Minutes Shilpa Kashelkar-DISHA ( DISHA, RCPN, Beneficiaries) 7 Vote of Thanks 5 Minutes Mr. Santosh Vanjari- DISHA

Project Details

Start Date 30-07-2020
End Date 30-07-2020
Project Cost 1
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 10
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Chinchwad
Non Rotary Partners DeLaval
Project Category Club Thrust Area