Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-08-2020 - 27-08-2020

PP Ujwal, in his address explained the concept of Artmanirbhar, which is important not only for our country but also can be applied to any business entity or even to individuals. Due to the covid pandemic, many people around us have lost their jobs whereas some have managed to retain their jobs with pay cuts. However there are several new opportunities which have come up as a fallout of Covid . Students should look at setting their own businesses as entrepreneurs after doing a thorough study of the business idea, the market, the financial and manpower requirements, the legal environment etc. He also mentioned what are the personal qualities which an entrepreneur must have. Ujwal mentioned the common traits of most successful and renowned entrepreneurs and explained that all these personalities have become successful only because of their vision, dedication, hardwork and sacrifices. One should not be taking short cuts to become a successful in their business. PP Ujwal also reiterated and explained the importance of how the Four Way Test of Rotary helps one to take the proper decision for any dilemma, whether in business or in personal life. The lecture is available on you tube under “Modern Media”

Project Details

Start Date 27-08-2020
End Date 27-08-2020
Project Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club of Modern College of Arts , Science and Commerce
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others