Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-08-2020 - 27-08-2020

Event was hosted by Rotary Club of Pune Kalyaninagar along with 19 Synergy Partners including Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar. Three Brillient International Speakers: 1) AVI ARYA a sucessfull hotelier turned social media inflencer 2) Dr. RADHAKRISHNAN PILLAI, a Management Guru and famous Author and 3) AVINASH ANAND,Global Happiness Leader

Project Details

Start Date 27-08-2020
End Date 27-08-2020
Project Cost 28500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 410
No of direct Beneficiaries 11364
Partner Clubs RC Panvel Mahanagar and other 18 Clubs. It was an excellent event All the three eminent speakers delivered excellent speeches on the topics which are very useful to the young generation for their personal development and leadership.. technology was very good and effective. Also the members of Rotaract clubs perform the cultural programmes. speeches were on the Leadership, Chanakya Niti and Happiness. The event has set a standard for the planners of event and a memorable one. No. of viewers was amazing
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category