Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-10-2020 - 30-10-2020

Dist. 3131, 5th Project of Bed distribution lead by RC Udyognagari under chairmanship of Rtn. Nitin Dhamale & supervision of Dist. Co-ordinator Rtn. Manjoo Phadke and leading partners were RC Deccan & RC Pimpri and distribution partner was RC Rajgurunagar for this 25 Beds to Mahalunge, Chakan Covid Centre.

Project Details

Start Date 30-10-2020
End Date 30-10-2020
Project Cost 57500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 640
No of direct Beneficiaries 564
Partner Clubs RC Pimpri & RC Deccan
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area