Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-01-2021 - 11-01-2021

Today we handed over water cooler and 50 nos of chairs to the bhosari police station. This project was initiated by IPP vijay and Rtn Sadhana and costed us Rs 85000. Rs 19500 was donated by Rtn Dr Gajanan, 25000 by IPP vijay and Rs 37500 by IPP vijay 's friend. Following people have attended the project President Pravin IPP vijay PE Jagmohanji Rtn Amol Rtn Mukund

Project Details

Start Date 11-01-2021
End Date 11-01-2021
Project Cost 85000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 96
No of direct Beneficiaries 25000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners IPP Vijay Kalbhor's Friend
Project Category Peace and conflict prevention/resolution