Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-11-2020 - 15-11-2020

An Online activity managed on Social Media to enthrall the audience on the happy occasion of Diwali was organized in Synergy with Districts Cultural Committee. The superb event comprising of several singers and musicians was played live from the studios and audience / beneficiaries were able to enjoy the event in the comfort of their homes.

Project Details

Start Date 05-11-2020
End Date 15-11-2020
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 25
No of direct Beneficiaries 21000
Partner Clubs Rotary District 3131, along-with synergy participation of 16 clubs hosted the event. Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise Rotary Club Kharghar Midtown Rotary Club Daund Rotary Club Panvel Rotary Club Pune West Rotary Club of Pune Sinhgad Rotary Club of Magarpatta Elite Rotary Club of Panvel Industrial Town Rotary Club of Magarpatta Rotary Club of Deccan Gymkhana Rotary Club of Patalganga Rotary Club of Aundh Rotary Club of Lokmanyanagar
Non Rotary Partners Museum of Music India
Project Category Others