Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-01-2021 - 28-01-2021

Rotaract club of DYP ACS Along With Rotary Club of Nigdi Successfully conducted HEALTH AWARENESS & CHECK UP CAMP For Police of Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation We had our Hon . Chief Guest Mr. Krishna Prakash Sir, Police Commissioner of PCMC Hon. Guest of Honour - Assistant Governor Rtn Sushil Arora Sir, ACP Dr. Sagar Kavade , Rotary District Youth Director Rtn Vasant Rao Malunjkar & DRR Rtr. Shraddha Lamkhede , Dist. 3131 We Thank all them for showing their valuable Presence and for sharing their words of wisdom We overall had 272 Police Officers and their Staff Health Check-up covered ECG, BMI, SUGAR TEST & OBESITY AWARENESS AND VISION CHECK. Mr.Krishna Prakash sir ( police Commissioner of PCMC )also had his all the test done. Following members were present for the event, President Rtn Praveen Ghanegaonkar sir, PE Rtn Jagmohan Singh ji, PP Arvind khankar ji,Rtn Suhas Dhamale, Rtn Keshav manghe, Rtn Rakesh Singhania ji, Renu Mitra ji, Rtn Nirmal Kaur.

Project Details

Start Date 28-01-2021
End Date 28-01-2021
Project Cost 40000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotract Club of DYP ACS
Non Rotary Partners Supreme Clinic
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment