Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-02-2021 - 03-02-2021

Rotary Club Of Panvel Sunrise in synergy with RC Patalganga and RC Khopoli organised Environmental Workshop on Best out of Waste for KES IAEM School Panvel VII STD students. this workshop demonstrated by Mrs. Archana Masane. she Had demonstrated Mobile and charger stand, Dish wash Detergent and scrub stand, Pigi bank, Multipurpose stand from Waste materials. Also Drawing teacher from KES school, he made some drawings on Social distancing, Face mask and other.

Project Details

Start Date 03-02-2021
End Date 03-02-2021
Project Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 96
Partner Clubs RC Patalganga and RC Khopoli
Non Rotary Partners KES IAWE school Panvel
Project Category