Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-10-2020 - 30-10-2020

Since 2015 RCP Katraj is giving vocational training of making modern godhadi / lightweight Designer Godhadi to Village women, bachat gats to make them self sustainable .This year we have given training to women of 10 bachat gats from village Kavathe, Taluka Khandala, District Satara. Training is given by President Rtn. Kirti Bhansali. This vocational skill will enable the women to become independent for their livelihood. These ladies approach for training through Facebook page of the project-'HAPPY VILLAGE GODHADI PROJECT'. On 30th October training is given at Kavathe village.

Project Details

Start Date 10-10-2020
End Date 30-10-2020
Project Cost 2500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 15
No of direct Beneficiaries 14
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others