Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-03-2021 - 08-03-2021

Rotary Club Roha Central donated 50 boxes of Flu-guard tablets of worth Rupees 87,500 to the PHC to help the patients suffering from symptoms of the Covid-19. The vaccines are now delivered to common people throughout the country through various mediums; Rotary Club Roha Central also stands shoulder to shoulder with the Health Care Bodies to provide all possible assistance to the general public to fight the Pandemic.

Project Details

Start Date 08-03-2021
End Date 08-03-2021
Project Cost 87500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs Rotract Club Roha Central
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, District Thrust Area