Rotary 3131 - Project Details

31-10-2020 - 31-10-2020

Our club was synergy partner for the ERYLA on Krushi Udyog scheduled by Rotary Club of Pune Pride. The event was inaugurated by DG Rashmi Kulkarni.The speeches, delivered by the eminant speakers , were insightful and motivating and very useful for young farmers to start their business or career. Rtn. Sanjay Orape gave speech on various business opportunities from processing Fruits and vegetables, Mr. Kiran Patwardhan explained about how to create regular income from farming ,Mr. Tushar Shende told about his success stories of farming which were very encouraging to young sters, and Mr. Rajendrea Waghmode delivered speech on how youngsters can be good farmers and he gave a guidence to them

Project Details

Start Date 31-10-2020
End Date 31-10-2020
Project Cost 2500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 54
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs RC Indapur, RC Varkute Village, RC Daund, RC Pune Royal, RC Pune Far East, RC Rajgurunagar, RC Pune Phoenix, RC Magarpatta Elite and RC Lonavala
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category