Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-02-2015 - 01-02-2015

BONE MARROW DENSITY CAMP ON 01.02.2015 (Project No 16) I) Name of the Projects and avenue of work: Bone marrow Density Camp on 01.02.2015 (Venue –Dr. Reges Hospital Rasayani-Chamberli) ii) Need Assessment: Peoples are not aware about their bone density. They lease bother about it. This camp helps to create awareness in community especially for old age people iii) Beneficiaries: Women’s, senior citizens, Gents above 40 years iv) Number of Rotarians participated and involved: 12 Rotarian's, v) Other participant institutions (NGOs, Govt. and /or Non Govt. Agencies, Individuals etc): Farmed Laboratories Mumbai, VI) Cost of the Projects and resources engaged: Rs.18500/00 vii) Sustainability: By doing this project we had given message Rotary International is doing medical projects for community hence image of Rotary increases, viii) Enhancement of Public Image and publicity in Community: Publicity with the of Posters, IX) Total Beneficiary: 98 Nos

Project Details

Start Date 01-02-2015
End Date 01-02-2015
Project Cost 18500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 98
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -