Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-09-2020 - 26-10-2020

COVID Related Mask/Sanitizer/PPE Kit Distribution Item Source Qty Receiver Details PPE Kit RC Nigdi 50 Talegaon Sanitizer Bottles RC Nigdi 50 Somatane 25, Vadgaon 25 Face Masks RC Nigdi 90 Somatane 90 Sanitizer Bottles Rtn. Atul Shah 200 TDNP 200 Face Shields Rtn. Atul Shah 200 TDNP 200 Hand Gloves Rtn. Atul Shah 200 TDNP 200 Pulse Oximeter Rtn. Atul Shah 25 TDNP 25 Face Masks PDG Rtn. Ravee Dhotre 300 TDNP 210, Vadgaon 90 200 Sanitizer Bottles 200 Face Shields 25 Pulse Oximeters 200 Handgloves [Rs. 30000] [Above Items purchased by the Club] 390 N95 Masks 50 Sanitizer bottles of 200ml 50 PPE Kits [Rs. 1,45,000] [Rs. 1,75,000 Total] Number of beneficiaries: 450

Project Details

Start Date 10-09-2020
End Date 26-10-2020
Project Cost 175000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 450
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment