Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-08-2020 - 07-09-2020

On 7.9.2020,  6 laptops and 2 tabs were given to the teachers to conduct online classes and 40 smart phones were given to the girl students of St. Andrews High School for girls whose either parent did not possess or could not afford phones and were left behind .  33 new phones were purchased for this project costing Rs.174900/ . The entire amount was contributed by ever supportive Rotarians , their friends and family . The laptops and balance phones were donated after refurbishment A great intention by IPP Manesh Shah, initiated by Ms.Alina Mirchandani ; daughter of Rtn Jeetu and Ann Ripple Mirchandani, taken forward and whole heartedly supported by RCPA members . RCPA members who were present for the distribution smart phones were President Rishikesh Dandekar, IPP Manesh Shah, Treasurer Arti Sanghvi, Jt. Secretary Kumar and his wife Renu Kirpalani.

Project Details

Start Date 01-08-2020
End Date 07-09-2020
Project Cost 250000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 47
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners friends of rotary donated money and phones lapyops
Project Category Basic education and literacy