Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-05-2021 - 15-06-2021

Cooked Lunch for Divyang Students Lui Braile Andh and Apang Kalyankari Sanstha and Sai Guru Seva Sanstha, both these organisations run hostels for blind and handicapped students. Our club has been helping both these organisations in different ways. Their main source of income is from blind students musical Orchestra, which performs on various occasions, but due to Covid this activity has come to practically a standstill and resulted in having severe financial problems for both the organisations. Sometime ago they confided that they couldn't afford a proper meal and specially green vegetables for a very long time. Rtn Shashank Jauhri was made aware of their plight and he came to their rescue and made arrangements for them from Vidya Valley School, which will provide daily food for 60 persons till such time the situation improves. They provide wholesome yet tasty food delivered to their hostel and menu is changed every day. Not only that they invite suggestions from these students about next day's menu. Mr Vivek Gupta, the President of the school himself takes interest and sees that they are provided with good food and is eager to know feedback about quality of food. All the students residing in the hostels are extremely grateful for the support received from the well-wishers of Rotary Club of Poona Downtown and Vidya Valley School.

Project Details

Start Date 01-05-2021
End Date 15-06-2021
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others