Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-03-2021 - 17-03-2021

8 Nos of bedside trolleys, 50 inch LED TV, Tata Sky Dish Installation and 1 year subscription was given to Kinara Vruddhashram, Ahirwade, Near Kamshet. When : *17 Mar 2021 * Where : *Kinara Vruddhashram, Ahirwade, Near Kamshet* Project Chairman: *Rtn. Dr. Jyoti Mundargi* Community Service Director *PP Rtn. Jayawant Desphande*

Project Details

Start Date 17-03-2021
End Date 17-03-2021
Project Cost 51758
Rotary Volunteer Hours 25
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -