Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-05-2021 - 05-06-2021

To prevent spread of Covide we are distributing 2 types of masks & Sanitizers to news paper distributors who distributes paper home to home. for this project we have gave work of Stitching 150 cloth masks to tailor who is facing financial problem due to covide pandemic situation. This activity conducted with Lions Club of Katraj, 600 3ply, masks (total 750 masks) 170 sanitizer bottles were distributed

Project Details

Start Date 28-05-2021
End Date 05-06-2021
Project Cost 9100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 170
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Lions Club of Pune Katraj
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, Others