Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-06-2021 - 05-06-2021

The handover function held today for ALS Ambulance and 3 high end Ventilators ,GE make , project worth 70 lakh through Icertics CSR , donation to Sahyadri hospital , charitable activities. Thanks PP Deepak Mahajan and Icertics ,for this project support Additional 5 lakh project is also supported by them for PPE material to Pune police Total projects worth 75 lakhs from Icertics.

Project Details

Start Date 05-06-2021
End Date 05-06-2021
Project Cost 7500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners ICERTIS CSR
Project Category