Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-06-2021 - 18-06-2021

Rotary District 3131 initiated a project to upgrade COVID Treatment Infrastructure in Pune. The infrastructure comprises COVID centre set up that offers treatment facility for COVID positive patients. A pediatric COVID ward and oxygen plant has been set up Sane Guruji Hospital, Hadpasar that treats underprivileged people.

Project Details

Start Date 01-06-2021
End Date 18-06-2021
Project Cost 12500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs RCP Lokmanynagar, RC Pristine, RCP Pride, RCP Westend, RC Ann Arbor, RC Ann Arbor North, RC Detroit, RC Novi, RC Chelsea,
Non Rotary Partners Atos Syntel Prayas Foundation , CleanMax, Sakal Foundation, Kishor Desai Foundation
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment