Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-04-2021 - 04-04-2021

Berhampur Camp was conducted on 4 April 2021, organised by Marwari Mahila Samiti, Berhampur with RC Berhampur East and RC Poona Downtown. Though our team could not participate in person, the whole camp was closely monitored by our team. A footfall of 93 during these testing times is worth appreciating. 74 beneficiaries received LN-4 hand in the camp. 2 Above Elbow beneficiaries may receive in a day or two. Remaining are being called to Berhampur in batches for custom extenders, because of short stump. Mrs Ruby Khemani of Marwari Mahila Samiti reports that though the camp venue was Chaturbhuj Dharmshala, a separate venue was hired where arrangements of Antigen Test were made. Each and every beneficiary was tested at this centre and then was taken to the main venue. The operations of this centre started previous night. All precautions were taken at the main venue too. Each and every entrant, including volunteers, underwent Temperature check and Oxygen Level check. Handgloves, sanitizers, masks were available at all points. The last beneficiary of the camp was a Corona positive one. He was dealt with at the end of camp and was exclusively handled only by Rtn Dr Sambit Begray and Rtn Sudhansu Khadgaray. Dr Sambit is a recognised Corona warrior and his services are well recognised by the Odisha State Administration. RC Berhampur East had partnered with us in previous camps- Berhampur, Visakhapatnam, Cuttack, Kolkata and Bhubaneswar. Now they qualify to conduct the camps independently.

Project Details

Start Date 04-04-2021
End Date 04-04-2021
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 74
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Behrampur East
Non Rotary Partners Marwari Mahila Samiti
Project Category Basic education and literacy