Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-03-2021 - 25-03-2021

We are starting vocational centers at two Blind peoples’ organisations which have hostels for blind youth who are studying in colleges and learn skills which could be useful commercially. Luis Braille Apang Sanstha in Wagholi is run by Nutan Holkar and Arjun Kendre and has about 25 girls and 80 boys. They currently sustain their activities by orchestra performances at various social and religious functions. They also produce items like hand woven bags, candles, caps, bags etc. Sai Guru Seva Sanstha in Narhe run by Kavita Vyavhare. There are 20 beds for blind girls to stay. They also make different kinds of handmade baskets, caps, scarfs, etc which they sell through contacts. We have donated 3 sewing machines and different raw material like cloth, knitting wool, beads and frames, weaving plastic, jute, other tools, etc,. With this, they will be able to start the regular business of producing a variety of utility items and sell through their channels. We expect that this venture should be self-sustaining and be able to provide them with the much needed revenue for running their centers. Along with our CSR partner Triveni Pattern Glass, Rtn Aruna Rathi and Rtn Rama Sivaram have also contributed for this project. Project cost INR 77000

Project Details

Start Date 25-03-2021
End Date 25-03-2021
Project Cost 31000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 55
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others