Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-07-2021 - 31-08-2021

On Friday 16th July we held a moth census as part of the National Moth Week activities. This was the first registered event and we were all happy to be part of it. The Eco activists satellite club has organized it very well setting up a screen and lights. We saw various insects and a few moths. It was a very unique experience and the enthusiasm of the youngsters was infectious. We learnt about moths and using the iNaturalist app to record our sightings. Event was held at the water treatment plant near Durga Tekdi, Nigdi We enjoyed the hospitality of the Water treatment plant team and our Fellowship team of Rtn Hardeep Kaur and Rtn Rama Manage. Attendees: President Rtn Jagmohan Rtn Hardeep Kaur Rtn Keshav Manage Rtn Rama Manage Rtn Jayant Yewale Rtn Sonali Jayant Anna Sanjiv Alurkar Rtn Pranita Alurkar Eco club members Dhruv Phadke Priti Riya Shivansh Guests Deepak Yewale Shailaja Yewale Priya Pharate Mr Ladkat ( water treatment plant in charge) We also attempted to live stream our event thru zoom and I'm glad we had around 12-14 participants online. Unfortunately as the lights were low and connectivity at our end was patchy we had to end the online session soon. But it was still a good learning experience overall.

Project Details

Start Date 17-07-2021
End Date 31-08-2021
Project Cost 9000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Leela Nursery
Project Category Environment