Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-07-2021 - 21-07-2021

On 21st July 2021, Rotary Club of Pune Shivajinagar organized an event in Sarthak. The event saw Rtn Ashwini talking to the kids about dramatics and acting. It also covered topics about cows and their lifestyle. The event was a non medical project. Need assessment was also carried out, along with our usual food grain support. President Dr. Shobha Rao, PP Vrinda Walimbe, Rtn Ashwini Ambike, Rtn Ajay godbole, Ann Anjali Godbole and PP Dr. Rao were present at the event.

Project Details

Start Date 21-07-2021
End Date 21-07-2021
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 48
No of direct Beneficiaries 80
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Special Projects