Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-07-2021 - 10-07-2021

On 10th July on the occassion of Birthday of Our Founder President Rtn Supriya Badve Madam our club undertook Tree Plantation in Maval Dist .Amongst those present were Founder President Rtn Supriya Badve Madam,AG and PP Rtn Dhanashri Jog ,IPP Rtn Gangadhar Jape ,Rtn Atul Killedar and Director Service Projects Rtn Sahebrao Kad alongwith Villagers .

Project Details

Start Date 10-07-2021
End Date 10-07-2021
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment