Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-10-2020 - 04-09-2021

Grand inauguration function of Koyali School building by PP Srikrishana Karkare and DG Pankaj Shah School building was constructed By Enpro Industries Pvt ltd through CSR fund Many congratulations to all Enpro team & Rotary club of Nigdi. Members present today : DG Pankaj Shah President : Jagmohan Singh First Lady : Hardeep Kaur Secretory : Suhas Dhamale PP Srikrishna Karkare IPP Pravin Ghanegaonkar PP Vijay Kalbhor PE Pranita Alurkar Rtn Mukund Muley Rtn Ankaji Patil Rtn Ajit Kothari Sanjiv Alurkar Rtn Amol Jadhav Rtn Sonali jayant Rtn Aarti Muley Rtn Jitendra Deshpande Kalayni Kulkarni (Enpro) Mr Deshpande (Enpro) Great project. Brightens the future of so many kids.

Project Details

Start Date 15-10-2020
End Date 04-09-2021
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy