Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-07-2021 - 06-07-2021

Smart Mobile phone 5 Nos distributed to Alegaonkar Primary Vidyalaya & Shrimati chandrakala Goyal Jr. College Khadki, Pune to poor students of 10 th class for online education support. On the occasion of Rtn. Navnath Bodkes Birthday with his special financial support, our IPP Rtn. Ravi Ghare, President Rtn. Prashant Bhagwat, vice President Deepak Chavan, Rtn. Nitindada Ghotkule has given financial help also. Cub Secretary Rtn. Dattatray Sawant, Rtn. Jayasingh Walung has attended this program with Rtn. Vijay Kalbhor past president of Rotary Club Of Nigdi also attended. Mr. Krushna kumar Goyal & his team was present on be half of School committee.

Project Details

Start Date 06-07-2021
End Date 06-07-2021
Project Cost 38000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
No of direct Beneficiaries 5
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category