Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-08-2009 - 23-08-2009

Swine Flu awareness drive was launched in co-operation with Pune Municipal Corporation and other Rotary Clubs. The drive was launched during the peak panic period of swine flu. A novel approach was adapted to reach more people. Auto rickshaws with Public Address System and Informative handouts, roamed across Pune city spreading the awareness about swine flu ans assuaging the fear of swine flu. The drive was conducted for more than 10 days and was eventually continued by District too.

Project Details

Start Date 12-08-2009
End Date 23-08-2009
Project Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs RCWestside, RC West End, RC Shivajinagar, RC Pune Uptown, RC Cybercity & RC Chandani Chowk
Non Rotary Partners Dr Sunil Tore, Pune Municipal Corporation, Volunteers from MIT, Yugpath and all other concerns.
Project Category Health Care