Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-07-2009 - 04-07-2009

This was joint project of RC Akurdi & Intract Club of Podar International School. Prof. Sadanand Gokhale who is Aerospace engineer and doing research on missile technology was chief guest for the program. Rotarians, Intractors, Anns & annets were present in large numbers. We moved door to door in Pradhikaran, Nigdi area and donated 400 Magnisia saplings which are easy to maintain, goes up straight and most important it releases good quantity of oxygen. Awareness about tree plantation was created by announcement of awareness slogans in open vehicle by Intractors. This gave good platform to Intractors for public speaking. Rtn. Santosh Agarwal led this project with the help of Rtn. Anil, Umang, Sanjay, Abhay, Gul & others.

Project Details

Start Date 04-07-2009
End Date 04-07-2009
Project Cost 22500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs Intract Club of Podar International School
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Tree Plantation