Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2021 - 17-08-2021

Tree Plantation for Dense Eco Forest at Govt Industrial Training Institute. This is a project of making a dense forest with 308 trees over 15000 square feet of urban land situated in the heart of Aundh, Pune. Dense forest means plantation of trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers in a small place in a thick/ dense way. With this kind of plantation technique, survival rate of the trees will be 97%. Project Objectives: To develop ecosystem and help improve air and climate quality in the area To provide an additional space for flora, fauna to grow naturally in the urban concrete mass of Aundh. To provide a space for birds, butterflies and honey bees to flourish. To create unique oxygen park in the city by the selection of wild species of trees, plants, herbs, shrubs and climbers Beneficiary numbers could be in the thousands every year, and shall grow over time as the dense forest grows.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2021
End Date 17-08-2021
Project Cost 125000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
No of direct Beneficiaries 30000
Partner Clubs NA
Non Rotary Partners Govt Industrial Training Institute Sahyadri Devrai Foundation
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Economic and Community Development, Environment