Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-07-2021 - 08-08-2021

On 26th July 21 Donetion of blankets, 50 shirts,shawls,saries,for Kokan flood affected people On 27 july 21 donations of 11 packets of blankets ,bedsheets, towels at Mahad flood affefected people. 250 new shirts donated to flood affected people in Raigad ,Mahad. On 5th August donation of bedsheets, cloths,grocery food items ,utensils and other necessary items to flood affected people in Pratapgad 8 Roterians attended this all projects

Project Details

Start Date 26-07-2021
End Date 08-08-2021
Project Cost 20
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs District Project with Multiple Rotary Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects