Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-07-2021 - 08-07-2021

On this note We, at *ROTARACT CLUB OF DAUND COLLEGE* have successfully conducted our first *Blood Donation Drive* of RIY 2021-22 as on 8th July'2021 at Ashwood Memorial Hospital Daund in collaboration with our parent Rotary, *Rotary Club of Daund* and *Lokmat* on the eve of Late Jawaharlalji Darda's birth anniversary. Total of *117 units of blood* we could managed to collect in a single day. Blood Donation is definitely a noble act. We are very glad to see very enthusiastic response not only from our Rotarians, Rotaractors but also people from all around Daund Tehsil.

Project Details

Start Date 08-07-2021
End Date 08-07-2021
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Other Projects