Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-03-2022 - 16-03-2022

In association with Deep Griha Soceity a picnic to Empress Garden was organised by RCPH . These old ladies were taken there at 11 am and they were returned to there houses by 3 pm. Snacks of Samosa and Jalebi were served at noon and than food was served at 1 pm. Food made was Chicken gravy. Rice. amd Chapati. Passing the parcel game was played with the help of Ann Batul and they had a gala time. A joy ride was given to all too in the train there . Total Rotarians attended . 5. Total Anns attended. 2. Total volunteer hours . 35.

Project Details

Start Date 16-03-2022
End Date 16-03-2022
Project Cost 6500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 35
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Deep Griha Soceity
Project Category Economic and Community Development