Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-03-2022 - 14-03-2022

This program started at 8.00 am. All the 525 girls had assembled in a hall and sat quietly, eagerly waiting to listen. We explained to them about Rotary and Asmita Project, women empowerment project. Dr. Jyoti Bhusare, Gynaecologist explained to the girls about female reproductive system and menstrual cycle, menstrual hygiene with the help of models. We distributed Asmita books to majority of girls and class teachers which they are going to circulate amongst all the girls. We handed over 3 Samsung Galaxy Tablets to the school on returnable basis and explained all videos incorporated inside the tablets. The teachers promised us that the will project and show all the pre recorded videos to the girls. In addition to all this we arranged HB check up camp and checked Hb of 201 girls. We provided iron tablets to all whose Hb was found to be low. Over all the project was very well appreciated by all the students and the teachers.

Project Details

Start Date 14-03-2022
End Date 14-03-2022
Project Cost 400000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 525
Partner Clubs RC Panvel
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects