Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-09-2021 - 12-09-2021

Very glad to share that we had a wonderful program today at BVVK Prashala, where we felicitated 4 Teachers from both our Interact schools. There was a panel discussion for the Teachers where they shared their experiences about the online teaching journey during the pandemic. Interact students shared their views about the current teaching methods and whether they want to come back to physical school. This was followed by the felicitation ceremony where the teachers were awarded a certificate and our Rotary bags alongwith books and dry fruits from Rtn. Sunetra. Thanking everyone for their efforts and contribution in making this program a success. Radha, Shama, Priyamwada, Sunetra and everyone who took time out to join the event

Project Details

Start Date 12-09-2021
End Date 12-09-2021
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 25
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners BVVK Prashala, Pune
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy