Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-08-2021 - 28-08-2022

We have identified a blind girls’ hostel at Narhe, Pune. About 30 Girls are residents here having no vision or have some partial vision. . These girls are from remote villages with poor family backgrounds. All the girls are aged between 18 to 25 years. These girls are pursuing their college studies, vocational training, braille skills etc. The girls are ambitious to acquire a financially independent career. These girls are surviving on a support from another group of blind individuals. The other group also has meagre resources to survive upon. This group is mobilising funds from some musical performances etc. Due to Covid19 this group is also facing a lot of financial difficulties. We propose to take total career care of these 30 girls. The total care will comprise of Hostel expenses viz. Boarding and lodging expenses, vocational training/ Study expenses and medical care. To begin with, we estimate Hostel expense of INR 2500 per girl/ per month for 1st year. In other words, the support comes to INR 30000/- per girl per year. Besides this Medical care support is being explored from HV Desai through Rohit Jerajani. Support for Vocational training can also be worked out through other NGO like PCC etc. Rtn Prakash Dhoka, Rtn Mukesh Malhotra, Rtn Mohan Kumar, Rtn Anuradha Mungee and Rtn Umesh Jalan has already adopted 2 girls each for first year. We propose a whole hearted support from members for this project. Donations are required to be collected for adopting other 20 girls. This will complete the cost of funding the Project for the first year. In all this would be a great Project for a most deserving support to the humanity. Convenor - Rtn Umesh Jalan,

Project Details

Start Date 27-08-2021
End Date 28-08-2022
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects